Returns and Exchanges
Faulty or damaged Item
We aim to always represent and dispatch quality product. If you believe the item you have received is faulty or if it has been damaged, please contact us as soon as possible, quoting your order number, name and address, as many details as possible about the product and its fault (if you can include photos even better). Please advise us within seven days of receipt of the faulty or damaged item, to allow us to resolve the matter quickly by arranging exchange, repair or refund.
Wrong Item
If you have received an item that is not what you had originally ordered, please contact us immediately +49 173 6435540 or, quoting your order number, name and address, details of the product received and product originally ordered. We will then be in touch with advice on how to proceed with the return.
Order Cancellation
Should you wish to cancel an order, which has not yet been dispatched, please contact us in writing at or by phone +49 173 6435540
Shipping Costs on Returns
The shipping costs incurred in returning any replacement goods to you will be refunded if you were justified in returning the goods because they were not as ordered, damaged or faulty.
Our address for returning faulty, damaged or wrong items:
Luipoldblock, Maximilansplz 10, 80333, Munich, Germany.